Race - HumanContinue reading “Ian Marshall”
Description - Farmer. Big guy, but fit. Wears jeans and plaid shirts. Glasses.
Drive - Duty to others
Vinaesh “Vinny” Sanyal
Race - HumanContinue reading “Vinaesh “Vinny” Sanyal”
Description - Skinny Bengali man; wears a pair of elephant hide wristbands.
Drive - To become a homicide detective, prior to joining MHI.
Mandy’s Visual Diary
Blake “Chuck Morris” Morris
Prior to being tapped by Monster Hunters International he was working as a campus security. He is an easy going guy, ex-military combat photography, too smart to be a grunt. Enjoys Boxing and MMA training.
Race - HumanContinue reading “Blake “Chuck Morris” Morris”
Description - Security guard. Big brute, chin strap beard, bald.